Korean American Resource Center (KARC) has been serving more than 800 small businesses across Washington state since the pandemic. We have helped Korean small business owners learn about the state and local grants available for their unique conditions, and operated a call center where those not proficient in English or technology can comfortably discuss the process in their native language. Through this experience we now have the largest up-to-date directories of Korean-American small businesses and their direct contact information. We send out surveys and newsletters in regular cadence to understand their needs better, and also plan to host digital transformation training webinars such as to be listed on Google Map and Yelp, onboard to e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Shopify and eBay, and to delivery services like DoorDash. As most of the businesses we are assisting are run by older generations, we promote our service through Korean radio stations and through posters in Korean grocery stores and churches. In order to expand our reach to entrepreneurs and nonprofits, we’ve recently started internship programs partnering with Korean student organizations in University of Washington and also with Seattle Korean American Association, the largest Korean non-profit organization in Washington state.
Area we serve
Primary areas we are currently serving are Pierce, Snohomish and King County as that is where most of Korean small business operations are located. However our outreach covers the whole Washington state through radio and online advertisements, church and school connections. As many businesses have been assisted statewide since the pandemic, we are confident that we have established trusted relationships with them.
Our organization
We have over 800 Korean American small businesses in our directory, which has been accumulated through our call logs and outbound call and research. We have their direct contact information such as phone number and email address, and we believe this is the largest and most up-to-date directory of active Korean small businesses in Washington state. On top of this, as we have a strong network of Korean IT professionals and student organizations, we estimate we have around 100 potential entrepreneurs and startups that we can connect with. Through churches and Korean schools, we estimate around 50 non-profit organizations we can connect with.
Services we offer
KARC Communication Center (Korean American Resource Center)
KARC communication center is open to …
Kakao channel : https://center-pf.kakao.com/_NvfpK
Phone ARS: …
Email: …
Website: …
Financial support information
- SBA loan program https://www.sba.gov/Loanprograms
- County/City local funding information
- Private
- https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/small-business/small-business-funding-business-loan
- https://www.business.wa.gov/site/alias__business/1561/covid-19.aspx
Newsletter & Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, KakaoTalk)
Monthly updates
- https://karc.bighug.org/bighug-karc-newsletter-january-2021/
- COVID-19 informations
- Funds
- Fraud cases
- Success stories
Upcoming Events Calendar
Monthly Training Webinars on following topics and more to come
Pilot Webinar
Tuesday, January 4, 2022 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xda-iowh-mms
Or dial: (US) +1 484-854-3310 PIN: 469 286 811#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/xda-iowh-mms?pin=9600528618582
- Technology
- Marketing
- Tax & Other Government mandates
Follow-ups & Survey
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdh_q7saaM9yI1V6-gpE7iQOPrIaZ-hbcoeGzu6AF_NtJ0fA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pXYyoCPjprqaCUPIEDf4DQ4TVCBbQEmX?usp=sharing
- Email follow ups for those requested or attended trainings
- Phone follow up for 1:1 consulting and digital transformation clients
Korean business directory & Useful links
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pXYyoCPjprqaCUPIEDf4DQ4TVCBbQEmX?usp=sharing
- Start small but with scalable organization
- 승후 – from call logs, categorize them and make a directory in excel.
Useful links
- https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/us-seattle-ko/index.do 시애틀총영사관
- https://seattleka.org/ 시애틀한인회
- https://kseattle.com/ 케이시애틀
- https://wowseattle.com/ 와우시애틀
- https://www.kcsc-seattle.org/ 코리안커뮤니티서비스센트
- https://www.facebook.com/seattlekoreanassociation/ 한인회 페이스북
- http://seattle.koreaportal.com/ 코리안포털시애틀
- https://www.kwacares.org/ 코리안우먼
- https://open.kakao.com/o/g8D7C7ub 신싸 카카오방
- https://www.oseattle.com/ 오시애틀
- http://www.joyseattle.com/ 조이시애틀
- https://www.seattlen.com/ 시애틀 N
- http://www.koamtvseattle.com/ 코엠티비 시애틀
- http://seattle.koreatimes.com/section/701 시애틀 한국일보
- https://www.visitseattle.kr/ 시애틀 관광청
- https://seattleradiokorea.com/ 시애틀 라디오 코리아
- https://www.business.wa.gov/site/alias__business/881/Small-Business-Guide–Grow.aspx
What is SBRN? 경영안정 네트워크란?
Culturally relevant assistance for business owners and organizations affected by COVID-19
COVID-19 으로 인한 소상공인의 경제적 타격을 극복하기 위해 워싱턴주 상무부 (Department of Commerce)에서 문화-인종별로 정보망을 형성하여 보다 신속하고 정확하게 도움이 되는 정보를 지원하는 30개의 조직으로 구성되어진 네트워크 프로그램입니다.
워싱턴주 한인대상으로는 비영리단체인 ‘BigHug-KARC’ 에서 봉사지원을 대행하고 있으며 한국어로 제공되는 설문조사, 소셜미디어, 온라인세미나, 뉴스레터, 한인업소록, 기술적 지원등, 다양한 채널을 통해 워싱턴주의 한인분들과 함께 소통하고 협력하여 소상공인의 경제타격을 극복 할수있도록 지원하고 있습니다.
Referral to other SRBN members – just links
Business Resilience related information 경영안정 관련정보
- https://seattleka.org
- https://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/
- https://www.sba.gov/
- https://www.commerce.wa.gov/
Other Organizations Participate in SBRN
- https://thetacomaurbanleague.org/
- https://www.tchispanicchamber.com/
- https://inbachamber.org/
- http://www.lacasahogar.org/
- https://sisterskyinc.com/
- https://www.tabor100.org/
- https://hmccoregon.com/
- https://www.venturesnonprofit.org/
- https://scidpda.org/
- https://ahana-meba.org/
- https://www.spokaneindependent.org/
https://coronavirus.wa.gov/ COVID-19 Information